The Patterson Film

Thursday, March 30, 2006

My airport encounter

On my way home from Nebraska, while I was getting ready to clear security, I managed to say hello to this man:

For the three of you who don't know who he is, he is Mick Foley. My mom and sister were there with me, but neither of them noticed him until I said "Great book!" to him. My mom didn't know who he was, but my sister did. She was really excited to see him. She also seemed surprised that: a) I was so casual with him; and b) that he seemed just like a regular guy. If any of you have seen "Beyond the Mat," then you know that he pretty much is a regular guy. Except for one thing that separates him from the rest of humanity: he has a superhuman tolerance for pain. (For the faint of heart, you should be aware that the preceding link contains a photo that some might find disturbing.)

Celebrity sightings in Omaha are rare. It's not like DC, where you can pretty much find famous people most anywhere (although often they're only famous for DC, meaning they're huge here and unknown anywhere else). The only other famous people I can remember seeing in Omaha (wthout having paid to see them in some sort of performance) are Chuck Hagel, Ben Nelson and his hair, and Laura Dern. All of these happened at the airport. Hmmmm...


  • Dude - how awesome is this. I would kill to have met him. You didn't get a pic?

    Have a nice day.

    By Blogger Spencer, at 6/07/2006 11:38 PM  

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